Holy Saviour

Holy Saviour

Roman Catholic Primary School

As a Roman Catholic School, our faith is central to everything that takes place in Holy Saviour.

The Religious Education of our pupils is the core of the Core Curriculum; the practice and teaching of the Catholic Faith is central.  Our Faith is not just something added on to everything else we do as a School, but runs through all our learning.  10% RE curriculum time is allocated across all key stages.  The staffing and resourcing devoted to RE is of the highest standard, reflecting its significance and importance in our school.

We hope that the children educated at our school will grow towards religious maturity, ready to face the responsibilities of a Christian life. We recognise that Holy Saviour School is a very important part of the Mission of the Church. We are called by the Gospel to proclaim and affirm that all are made in the image and likeness of God.  Our school endeavours to enable each person to call forth their unique God given gifts and fulfil our Mission Statement.


In his homily at the Installation Mass, Bishop John made a special request: he asked that the whole Diocese join in praying a simple prayer, several times a day:  "It takes about 1.5 seconds to say, but it’s a prayer: “Stay with us, Lord, on our journey.”  I hope that that little phrase can become the prayer of this Diocese, said by thousands, every day, several times a day. 1.5 seconds, not too much time to spend there!  But it will mean that the Lord will be with us.  It will mean that we will understand well his will for us.  And if the Lord is with us, that means the Spirit of God is with us too, working through us, and as Saint Paul says, where the Spirit is at work we can do more than we ask for or even imagine."