Welcome to Year 2
Class Teacher: Mrs L. Young
Teaching Assistants: Mrs J. Motyka
PE takes places every Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has their full kit in school. All ear piercings should either be removed or covered with plasters for every PE lesson.
As part of home learning, children are expected to read three times a week. Reading books are changed on Monday and Thursday. Finding just 15-20 minutes of reading each night can have such a positive effect on your child's reading development. Every minute you spend reading with your child is helpful and has a tremendous impact on their reading progress.
Home Learning
Home learning is distributed on Thursday and should be returned by the following Wednesday. Home learning is designed to consolidate learning which has taken place in class.
Spellings are sent home on Friday and a short spelling test will take place the following Friday. The list of words will focus on either a focussed sound/s or a particular spelling pattern. Please encourage your child to practice their spellings regularly.