Holy Saviour

Holy Saviour

Roman Catholic Primary School

Curriculum Coverage

Intent for Curriculum

At Holy Saviour, our curriculum is driven by ensuring Christ is at the centre of all we do and the aim to prepare our children for lifelong learning.  We are ambitious for all learners who are actively working towards ‘Being who Jesus calls us to be’.

Through our broad and balanced curriculum, we develop the knowledge, skills and understanding which are essential for life.  The learning experiences will promote confident, self-motivated pupils, who are builders of the Kingdom of God and who all have a part to play in being stewards of our local and world-wide community.


The aims of our curriculum are:

- to enable children to respect, celebrate and value the world that God has given to us;

-to ensure Christ is at the centre of all we do;

-to enable the children to understand the importance of community and stewardship through God’s Word;

-provide opportunities for our children to flourish in all areas of the curriculum;

-provide a cross curricular approach to learning with opportunities to develop writing and maths across subjects;

- provide opportunities to encourage curiosity and respect, become independent learners, being determined to succeed and to embrace new challenges;

-to fulfil all the requirements of the National Curriculum and the Salford Diocese Directory.


EYFS Curriculum Overview

Year 1 Curriculum Overview

Year 2 Curriculum Overview

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Year 4 Curriculum Overview

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Year 6 Curriculum Overview

      RSE Journey In Love Curriculum Parent & Carer Guide and Overview




 Throughout EYFS and Years 1 to 3, Red Rose Phonics is used. Our Reading Scheme uses a range of resources which are closely linked to the phonics stage the child is at.  A range of interventions to support children in their reading skills are also used.

If you would like any further information on our curriculum coverage, please speak to your child's class teacher.