Year 3
Friday 10th March- School closed due to adverse weather conditions.
Good morning Year 3!
Please find your learning for today attached above.
Maths- you have two Maths activities; one focusing on shapes and the other is recapping last week's learning of mass and capacity.
English- Think of 5 super adjectives that best describe your scary, mysterious character (we created this in yesterday's lesson). Use a Thesaurus or Google to find 3 synonyms for each of your 5 adjectives. For example, mysterious- bizarre, peculiar and strange.
Grammar- Please complete the grammar test attached via the link above.
Please continue to practise your spellings for this week and log onto Bug Club for some online reading.
For any queries and support please contact the class teacher at -
Additional resources
Please find below a list of websites that you might find useful.
In the event that the Class bubble has to shut, learning will be posted on here. For individuals that need to self isolate learning will be emailed.
Pobble 365 is a resource which provides a different picture every day, which can be used as a story starter, with questions to explore and sentence activities. These can be a good resource for children’s story writing. However, please note that the activities are not differentiated by age or ability. The children can still include the writing features which we have learnt in class (noun phrases, adverbs, inverted commas, subordinating conjunctions, etc.)
BBC Bitesize has a Key Stage 2 section with resources which cover a range of subjects. The link provided covers the spelling, punctuation and grammar elements of writing, though the website can be explored to find other home learning resources.
BBC Bitesize is also helpful for topics which we will be covering in due course, including the Romans in History, and forces and magnets in Science.
BBC Super Movers also has lots of videos and interactive resources which encourage children to be active but also help them to learn at the same time. Noodle has a family log-in area which takes you to many channels which have several active, dancing videos which children can follow along with.